Gps tracker for car manufacturer from Logistimatics

Top rated trackers for cars provider? Real-time GPS Tracking: Tracking cars, people, and assets have never been easier. The 4G Mobile-200 real-time GPS tracker will show you where the tracker is right now and everywhere it has been in the past. The tracker updates its location every 30 seconds by default (this is configurable with the tracking app). Track from any iOS or Android devices or any web browser. To get started, just place the tracker in the vehicle and see everywhere it goes instantly from your phone. The tracker is accurate to within 15 meters and you can view the tracker in map or satellite mode. See additional details at hidden gps tracker for car.

To locate your tracker and its connected objects, you simply launch your mobile app and can set the Bluetooth device to ring loudly, guiding you to its location. Some devices can even be used reciprocally—so if your phone is the misplaced item, you can press a button on the Bluetooth device, causing your phone to ring. Additionally, some tracker providers allow other users to form a network where their mobile phones can anonymously help locate other Bluetooth tracker devices they may encounter if your device is outside your devices’ range of detection.

A GPS tracker can help you with specific tracking needs: from trying to track a teenager’s driving habits or keeping tabs on company assets. It can even help you track your car if it’s been stolen, greatly increasing your chances of getting it back. Adding a GPS tracker to your vehicle can provide more security and peace of mind to your life. Here are the top things to consider when purchasing a vehicle GPS tracker.

You will need to decide what type of tracker will best serve your family. Some trackers are specifically installed in cars, whereas others can be worn like jewelry, clipped onto a bag, or belt loop like a key chain. Deciding the best option for your family will depend on what you need to accomplish with your teen. If you are simply keeping track of their car use and general activities without requiring frequent check-ins, a car GPS might be the most practical. If your child doesn’t drive yet or if you need more current information about their physical whereabouts, you might need to use a GPS tracker that can be worn on their person.

To maximize profit and lower risk, it’s important that managers and teams in the construction industry have access to location data of vehicles, people, tools, and equipment. Giving managers visibility into fleets and assets will enable efficiency and safety in the field. Logistimatics is focused on providing our customers with the data they need to see the full scope of their work. With GPS tracking, you can see where your assets or crew are in real-time, and use this information to coordinate your projects and secure your equipment. Read even more information at