Premium WordPress themes and plugins right now

WP advices – the top plugins and themes right now: Responsive Website Design: In 2020 and beyond, you need a website that is responsive to a large variety of different devices. You don’t want to have a website where the words get cut off on an iPhone, the design looks poor on a tablet, but on a desktop everything looks great. You want your whole website to look amazing no matter what devices your visitors are using. With WordPress, they have responsive website designs and themes built into their platform for you to choose from. Mobile Friendly: WordPress is also mobile friendly. Now that more than 50% of the world’s internet traffic comes from mobile devices, it is of the utmost important that your website is mobile friendly, legible, and easily usable for mobile users. Because of this fact, search engines also use mobile-first rendering. Meaning, your website is first and foremost judged by its mobile version by search engines. So if your mobile usability is poor, your rankings will also be poor. Therefore, both the front end user experience and back end technical components of a website are taken into consideration when it comes to mobile friendliness. WordPress knows this, and have given you mobile-friendly themes to choose from. Read more info at theme wordpress. On THEME WP 24H, you will find a rich and diverse repository of WordPress themes and plugins with thousands of products from the world’s top developers. We guarantee that all the products on our website are thoroughly tested and guaranteed to be safe to use on your website.

The theme is the outer layer of your website — the face, the facade, the style, the part that makes it look pretty. With WordPress themes, you can change between any number of different styles and layouts without having to dig into the guts of your code. Choosing a theme may be the hardest part of setting up your blog because there are literally thousands of themes you could choose from. Themes where the navigation bar is on the left, others where it’s on the right. One column, two-column, three-column layouts. Magazine and newspaper style versus traditional style. A nearly limitless number of color combinations and design choices.

With its drag-and-drop interface, Themx is one of a select band of free WordPress themes that are suitable for almost any kind of website. It’s based around Visual Composer to make the business of putting a site together nice and straightforward. If you’re aiming for an international audience then you’ll find its WPML support invaluable, and it also comes with a variety of custom post types and plenty of customisation options.

Look at the outstanding brand name of big companies like Google and Apple, and you will notice the importance of a right brand name. It is crucial to choose the right name for your business, because a simple and unique domain name can lead to better search engine optimization (SEO), and a better chance of being located in the search engine results, so your business can be easily accessed by more customers.

Nobody wants to visit a page that takes forever to load. That’s why page speed is a ranking factor for desktop since 2010, and for mobile since 2018. Lots of factors affect page speed, including your site’s code, server location, and images. You can get a rough sense of how your pages perform using Google’s Pagespeed Insights tool. Just plug in a URL, and you’ll see a score between 0–100, followed by improvement advice. The issue with Pagespeed Insights is that you can only test one page at a time. Solve this by signing up for Google Search Console, and checking the Speed report. This shows you which pages are loading slowly on desktop and mobile, and why. Some of these issues can be complicated, so your best bet is to ask a developer (or technical SEO expert) to fix them.

Airi is a modern theme that comes not only with full Gutenberg compatibility, but also some ready-made starter designs. You get six of them in the free version of the theme (there’s more in paid). The design overall follows current trends and presents content effectively. Airi is suitable to serve as the foundation for an agency site, a start-up, an online store, as well as traditional business sites. Find more details at

Avoid complicated features. Starting with a few important features is always helpful to reduce your web development cost. Many novice webmasters make a mistake of adding tons of features on their websites, which of course is not a right thing to do. Although you can consult your web developer to list out the essential features for your website, here are some of the essential features that you must not miss out: Content management system, Security features, SEO features (meta tags, header tags etc. ), Web cache feature (to optimize the loading speed of your website), Easy drag-n-drop builder to make changes and design new pages hassle-free.

Why WordPress? A guide to the features and benefits of this CMS. There are a few reasons why you should use WordPress, and we’re going to cover them, but let me say first that in the 100-plus clients I’ve worked with, nearly all of them used WordPress. WordPress in its purest form, in the hands of a professional, can be a thing of pure beauty. It’s deep and complex and has many hidden facets. But — and this is what I love about it — it’s still relatively easy to use if you’re just a basic user. It’s like being given a race car as a personal vehicle. In the hands of a professional, you can drive it around a race track at 200-plus mph. But in the hands of an enthusiastic amateur, you can still drive it to work. It’ll just get you there a little faster than the other cars on the road. So let’s talk about the benefits of WordPress for, not just your business blog, but your company’s entire website. And what makes it the best and most popular platform on the internet.