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Budget management online solution 2021? Trending: Organizations buys more and more SaaS! The average organization are using/subscribing to more than 20 SaaS. This is becoming a problem of scale for many companies. Copyl Integration Platform helps you exchange data between the different systems and helps you define your Enterprise Architecture. Define dynamic workflow processes in the browser and control how data is moved between your systems. Why you should consider Copyl Integration Platform (CIP)? Event-driven Architecture! Copyl generates events in real-time to CIP. Other solutions usually ony have scheduled jobs that start up integrations. CIP gives you increased security and more reliable data. We also support scheduled integrations for apps that don’t support event-driven architecture.

Copyl is different from other Software-as-a-Service. We make a positive difference for thousands of businesses around the world. Our mission: Reinventing Productivity! We are working hard every day to develop smarter and better tools for all kinds of businesses around the world. If we make you more efficient at work, your company will be more sustainable, which is good for the community. When you feel you are in control you will get more energy and time for more innovative tasks. See even more info at microservice management app. Copyl saves you a lot of time, money and energy. You will feel more ease and earn more money when you don’t have to keep track of all commitments and deadlines.

All Contracts in one place! See current and past contracts from the overview page. Group by supplier, customer or status. Discuss and follow up on tasks: All contracts have their own forum were you and the counterparts can discuss the contract. The Task Management system in Copyl is also automatically connected to each contract. Integrated with Search and other pages: The contracts appears on the related contacts, search, projects and other pages were the contract is connected.

When are microservices a bad design choice? If you are building a small application, or just building a prototype, it’s much easier to build a monolithic application. If the application doesn’t need to scale to multiple server instances it’s ok with a monolith. A middleway is to build a loosly coupled monolith that communicates internally via SOAP. You can also use some kind of user authentication that will send the user data in each call to the api. This is usually done by JWT (Javascript Web Token). We also recommend you to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) B2C tenant for your external users. We also recommend you to use an API Managment tool that will hide your api:s addresses, minimize requests, help you with versioning and also documentation. Read additional information at

Don’t copy data between different microservices: Never change the data from another microservice directly. Instead use REST calls to the API of the other microservice. If other microservices are having an interest in the change of state – publish events to let all subscribers getting information about the change. You can either use a PubSub solution from your cloud vendor or use Copyl Integration Platform to report events and subscribe to them in other services.