Tech latest news 2022? This is another retail trend that requires companies to leverage new technologies. According to McKinsey, customer personalization will be a prime driver of marketing success wi...
Excellent fastest distributed ledger protocol platform in 2022 with Introducing Tectum, the Fastest Blockchain, Wallet & SoftNote. Tectum is the world’s fastest blockchain – a light...
Premium iphone games today? Inkwork is an app designed to instantly transform a photo into a sketch-based work of art. And, yes, we’ve seen this all before – but few filter apps catch the eye in q...
Michaela Jamelska or the climb of a technology & innovation professional? Michaela Jamelska has been always interested in projects that are meaningful, innovative, and bring positive change into t...
Meet Mary Ann Holder and some of his supply chain business networks opinions? MaryAnn Holder is Chief Marketing Officer at One Network Enterprises, a provider of the blockchain-enabled network platfor...
Get to know Mary Ann Holder and some of his blockchain in logistics achievements? MaryAnn Holder is Chief Marketing Officer at One Network Enterprises, a provider of the blockchain-enabled network pla...