Traits to identify sensitive person

Signs you can be a sensitive personality type (HSP) : If you are outside and witness a construction scene with sophisticated equipment and numerous workers, and almost immediately cover your ears, you are noise sensitive. Similarly, you could be sensitive to a myriad of other external stimuli like winds or rains or even slightly bright lighting. Such sensitivities might make somebody a highly sensitive person. Due to deep mind processing, you might have a rich inner world. When you were a kid, if you had a rich imagination and people were always amused by what you came with, you could be a sensitive person. Several signs indicate that a person might be sensitive or become sensitive. General and surprising signs like being intuitive or prolonged hunger are all backed by research and indeed show the presence or the probable birth of a sensitive attitude.

Although there are many positive aspects of being a sensitive person (such as greater ability to listen and affirm, greater empathy and intuitiveness, better understanding of others’ wants and needs, etc.), in this writing we will focus on aspects of high sensitivity which adversely affect one’s health, happiness and success, and often complicate relationships. Below are 24 signs of a highly sensitive person, with excerpts from my books: “Are You Highly Sensitive? How to Gain Immunity, Peace, and Self-Mastery” and “How to Communicate Effectively with Highly Sensitive People”. These traits are organized into three major categories: Sensitivity About Oneself, Sensitivity About Others, and Sensitivity About One’s Environment.

Ask yourself why you feel the way you do. For example, did you have high expectations for how something would turn out and then became upset when it didn’t turn out the way you wanted? Or did someone say something to you that you found offensive? Identify exactly what caused you to feel sensitive and why it made you feel that way. Often, unmet needs and unmet expectations lead to hurt feelings.

Tears well up in our eyes for a variety of reasons: chopping onions, blinking out a speck of dust or because our eyes are too dry. Of course, we aren’t here to discuss those. Crying is a way of communicating to people around that something is wrong. More info about Why do you cry.

Being an HSP can have its own advantages. Turn your sensitivity from a weakness into a weapon to help you deal with problems in your life. Being sensitive to everything means that you are better than other people at finding the positive sides of everything. Usher in a sense of optimism to make situations easier for yourself.

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself. Often has difficulty letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. Frequently feels physical symptoms (i.e. stress or headache) when something unpleasant happens during the day.

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others. Often feels like people are judgmental, even when there’s no strong evidence.

Sensitive people are not boring, weird or abnormal people. They tend to be some of the most caring, loving, and sincere people, who are quite emotional and have strong instincts about everything. If you feel like you may be of this nature, you need to understand that, you have not done anything wrong or you are probably not the odd one out. You are quite normal like us all and you can relax. Yes, it is okay to be highly sensitive. It means your aware. More info about Relax sensitive.

Again, although there are many positive qualities to being a highly sensitive person, this article focuses on aspects of high sensitivity which adversely affect one’s happiness and well-being. While some highly sensitive individuals are affected by just one or two of the traits above, others may be overstimulated by more on the list.

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