FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NETWIT INC. LAUNCHES NEW DEBATE PLATFORM; HEY, NETWIT WE HAVE ISSUES. Netwit brings intelligent discussion and debate to the internet! Rational, reasoned arguments and compellin...
Expectancy is the formula you use to determine how reliable your system is. You should go back in time and measure all your trades that were winners versus losers, then determine how profitable your w...
Top advices : Don’t Fear the suspension bridges. Ok, this may seem like a weird tip, but I had heard about the bridges to Everest being terrifying and freaked myself out. They are safe and in gr...
Hotpads – Hotpads is an unique one on this list, because it’s only intended for listing properties (houses, apartments, condos, etc) for rent, not for sale. Nevertheless, this still fills ...
Write a card welcoming them to their new home, leave a bottle of wine, and also leave a folder with any paperwork for the house inside such as warranties, guarantees, plans etc.). If you happen to hav...
Do not leave pet food exposed on the outside continually. Train your outside animals to eat once or twice a day at certain times, then remove the food and store it in a hard plastic or metal tamperpro...