Best armor tech for heavy duty robots

One of the major challenges of a rescue operation is pinpointing the location of survivors. Drone technology has been playing a massive role in this regard. Drones can fly and take pictures; it gives rescue workers aerial view, which allows them to plan a more effective rescue mission. Drone footage could prove useful in pinpointing survivors. China has been using drone footage for rescue operations, especially during earthquakes. With drone technology, rescue teams have reliable information, such as an estimate on the number of survivors. DroneSAR, an Ireland based drone company, is working a technology to use drones to find survivors. It created an app synched with drone technology to improve rescue mission. For instance, the app maps out grids and orders a drone search only those grids created. When a drone finds a survivor, the app shares the location to every member of the rescue team.

A team of researchers at the University of Auckland, NZ, conducted a twelve-week study to find out how robot pets can benefit the elderly. To this end, 40 seniors were selected from a retirement home. They were divided into two groups of twenty each. The first group was studied interacting with a robot seal named Paro. The other group was sent out of the retirement home every week to participate in interactive activities like bingo and arts. Read more details on this article.

The RoboBusiness Conference 2020 is a yearly event that began in 2005 and has promoted several great minds and professionals all around the world. The next event is scheduled to hold in Santa Clara, California between the 15th and 17th of September. The RoboBusiness Conference is one event that caters to several aspects of robotics, from manufacturing to growth and development.

Developed by Boston Dynamics, Atlas is a bipedal humanoid robot designed to operate indoors and outdoors and participate in complicated search-and-rescue operations, operate powered equipment in hazardous environments, or performing tasks such as opening doors. Boston Dynamics is known for actively collaborate with military organizations such as DARP or the U.S. Department of Defense. Their robot prototypes are engineering works of art, mimicking human and animal movements. Unlike other robots, Boston Dynamics’ creations can work under harsh conditions, demonstrating extraordinary human-like stability and rough terrain mobility. If you want to meet the whole Boston Dynamics’ robotic family, check out the official website. Extra information at a good article.

Steel is strong and heavy, which means it is difficult to shape and carry in large parts. However, steel can be also formed into thin sheets. You may see that vehicles are protected by their steel exterior, which can also be applied in robotics. Those sheets can be formed into tubes, which can be also made as robot frames. Known for its flexibility, rubber can absorb shock while handling delicate products. For your robot, you may consider covering up both the hard and sensitive parts with rubber. It is also reliable when you want your robot to be sociable with humans. This soft material, however, is also suitable to use in extreme environments. Rubber has high resistance to some elements especially liquids. To enable your robot to go underwater; consider sealing it with rubbery materials. Since the rubber doesn’t rust, it can handle some acids too. With all that being said, rubber is a great material to consider for your robot – its use might be limited, but it can certainly come in handy.

Alex Shikany, the Vice President of Membership and Business Intelligence for the Association of Advancing Automation, who reacted to the statistics made available, in his chat with The Robot Report, said that a conclusion cannot be reached because the data made available are yet to be established.

We are arguably seeing a forth revolution as the computing power of the 20th century has taken major leaps forward in the 21st. A connected world. Automation is becoming commonplace in factories and we are starting to see with the Internet of Things how a connected system can change the face of manufacturing. Industry 4.0 will involve these automated systems making key decisions without any input. Find more details on a quality post.