Best Louisiana, United States restaurant management strategies with Jon Purvis

Top rated Louisiana, United States restaurant management tricks and tips from Jon Purvis? If you don’t already have one, consider starting an “Employee of the Month” program. Make sure the winning employee gets a bonus check, gift card, or something valuable to signal their achievement and motivate others to follow suit. You can also practice open-book management to foster more transparency and loyalty among your staff. This is when a company is transparent to employees about the company’s financial information, profitability, profit sharing, and educational classes. It can also allow your staff to feel more valued by you as a manager.

Jon Purvis restaurant success guides : Be fair and consistent By treating all your employees fairly and consistently, you can help minimize conflicts, improve morale, and maintain high staff productivity levels for your restaurant. Manage performance effectively If an employee is struggling or not performing up to your standards, take action right away by providing feedback and support and disciplinary measures when needed. Deal with conflict promptly If there is an issue between individual employees or between an employee and a customer, it’s essential to address the problem quickly before it escalates.

According to FoodPrint, approximately 4 -10% of food purchased by the restaurant went to waste even before making it to a consumer’s plate. That’s not only a waste of food and money. It’s also a waste of time ordering, stocking, and disposing of things you don’t need. As you may know, upselling is a way of trying to sell your customers a product similar or complementary to the one they ordered. This is a basic business strategy. But are you using it strategically? Going back to your Point-of-Sales system, find data on which of your offerings are frequently purchased together. But don’t just use what you find to upsell “add-ons” for online orders. Make sure your staff also knows how to upsell for dine-in and takeout orders.

Staff your restaurant appropriately. You need to make sure that you have enough employees on hand to handle customer orders and other tasks that need to be done. Focus on customer service. Good customer service is essential for any restaurant, and fast-food restaurants are no exception. Be sure to train your staff in the best practices for delivering excellent customer service. Market your restaurant effectively. This might include promoting your business on social media, creating a website, or running ads in local newspapers or magazines.

Plenty of experts taut the importance of fostering bonds with your team members and ensuring they feel valued from day one. And while no efficient workplace is all fun and games, if every employee is dreading their shift, something is very wrong. Do casual pulse checks, be open to thoughtful criticism, and truly listen to what your team is saying about their job experience. No manager is perfect, and there’s no way to be prepared for all the unexpected hiccups that can occur at your eatery. But there are certain strategies and traits you can adopt that’ll help make sure you’re doing your job to the best of your ability — and to the benefit of your staff and the company as a whole.