High quality fast courier company Berkshire from 1stClassCouriers

Fast courier services in Reading? What parcel delivery service should I offer? If you use a London courier then you might want to offer a same day or overnight service. If one courier company quotes you £60 and the other £30 who do you go with? You should never base your decision solely on the price quoted (although obviously it has to be a consideration). Is your courier going to deliver your parcel when promised? Are they reliable and trustworthy? If your customer is paying extra for same day or overnight delivery then you need to make sure they get it or they will more than likely be really vocal with their disappointment. Whatever service you offer, you need to make sure your parcels are delivered when promised.

Our areas of expertise include overnight collection and delivery, same day collection, and secure storage and distribution throughout the U.K. including in Berkshire. We are specialists when it comes to same-day courier service not only in Berkshire but also throughout the U.K. We have state of the art warehouse and office facilities in different areas of the U.K. That means we are in a better position to collect your goods from anyplace within the U.K and deliver them immediately to your particular destination in a timely manner.

Storage and Distribution Services: We offer storage for both businesses and individuals in an environment that is clean and organized. When you contact us, you will be able to get a quote for our customized solution for storage and distribution that suits your needs. We provide detailed service pricing as you may require. We also strive to ensure that the different aspects of the logistic cycle remain timely and accurate. Discover even more info at Courier service Reading.

Insurance This is one of the most crucial factors to consider while choosing the right courier service company. In case you are shipping valuable goods or confidential information and your package doesn’t arrive, it’ll bring you great peace of mind to know that your package was insured. You will be able to file a claim in case your goods go missing or get damaged in transit. Consideration of the above-mentioned factors will help you hire the right courier service provider and who will smoothly get all your packages to their destination.

Understand that accidents can happen even with the most careful courier service. Courier services usually offer some coverage for lost or damaged items, but this would be capped at a certain limit. For instance, Freightcom carriers cover up to $100 for any damaged or lost items. So, if you are transporting valuable merchandise, it is recommended to insure your package. If you are planning a pick-up, try to schedule it in the most efficient manner possible. Every courier service has a cut-off time for pick-ups. Any order after this time may get picked-up, but there would be on guarantees on the same. Orders after the cut-off time are usually picked up the next day. If you need urgent pick-up services after the cut-off time, contact your courier service to see if such facilities are offered. We offer a very fast and reliable courier services in the UK, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1st Class Couriers can deliver letters and parcels to larger items like crates and pallets. Our hard working team provides courier services throughout the UK. Everyday 1st Class Couriers travel around the UK providing courier services to all parts of the country. Find additional info on this website.