Big data analytics firm in Denver

Network management firm: Back Up Your Data. These days, storage doesn’t cost much. There’s no excuse not to have a backup of important data. Back it up on a physical location and on the cloud. Remember, malicious threats and hackers don’t always want to steal your data, but sometimes the end-goal is to encrypt or erase it. Back it up to have an ultimate recovery tool.

As we saw from the stats above, ransomware attacks were a major attack vector of 2017 for both businesses and consumers. One of the most important cyber security tips to mitigate ransomware is patching outdated software, both operating system, and applications. This helps remove critical vulnerabilities that hackers use to access your devices. Here are a few quick tips to get you started: Turn on automatic system updates for your device; Make sure your desktop web browser uses automatic security updates; Keep your web browser plugins like Flash, Java, etc. updated.

As IT professionals, we work with clients throughout the life of a business to take the hassle out of information technology and provide quality managed network services. Every business has their own unique challenges. We will work with you to tailor a solution that fits your needs. Time to upgrade your closet data-center? Migrating your system to the cloud can save money and significantly reduce the complexity of your IT footprint. We would be happy to talk to you about your options and see if this saves you time and money. We work with both Amazon AWS and Microsft Azure, and can seamlessly migrate and connect your office to the cloud. Discover more info at

Minimize Location Sharing. It’s very common for travelers to update social networking sites as they move about new counties or cities. The problem with this type of excessive sharing is that it creates a security threat at home. By signaling your every location, you make it easy for a criminal to determine that you’re not in your hotel room or at your home, leaving your personal belongings within these areas vulnerable to a physical intrusion. Limit the information you post online about your specific whereabouts to limit these threats to your personal property.

Many hackers will sell the data they hack. This will includes information on thousands, if not millions, of people and their passwords. If you are using the same password for every account then it won’t be difficult for a hacker to gain access to all your systems. Otherwise a hacker may use ‘brute force’ to find your password. This is much harder if password is longer and contains more variety and does not spell out any words. Use a password manager of some kind to ensure you don’t keep forgetting your passwords. Hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities in the software your business uses. This could be as simple as finding a way into your Windows network. The software companies themselves work hard to create patches and updates that fix these vulnerabilities so it’s important to update them as soon as an update is available.

Do you have a web application? Do you have a website that takes transactions? Penetration testing is a must on the internet. You do not want hackers to be the first ones to find a way to steal all of your data. PCI? HIPAA? You are required to test your networks and your applications. GDPR? CCPA? Don’t let your data be stolen. We are certified and will work with you and your team to find the holes and patch them before the bad guys do. Read extra info at