Top advices about hair transplant procedure

Patients should wait a minimum of 48 hours before washing their hair unless otherwise advised by their physician. After that, they can slowly start washing their hair with shampoo and warm water, using lukewarm water to rinse. This method should be followed during the first 14 days after the procedure to prevent excessive scabbing. After that, with the advisory of their physician, the patient should be able to resume normal hair washing habits but with caution. Grooming after hair transplantation should be done very cautiously and carefully.

Hair replacement isn’t a good option for: women with a widespread pattern of hair loss throughout the scalp, people who don’t have enough “donor” hair sites from which to remove hair for transplant, people who form keloid scars (thick, fibrous scars) after injury or surgery, people whose hair loss is due to medication such as chemotherapy

Why hair transplant? Involutional alopecia, It is a form of alopecia where the hair growth tends to decrease due to ageing resulting in thinning and shorter hair. The follicles remain in the telogen phase (resting phase) for an extended amount of time. You may opt for a hair transplant surgery to correct this disorder.

Hair transplantation is not a painful procedure, because the area under operation is under local anesthesia, which blocks the nerves responsible that cause sensation in the scalp area.

Keep in mind before hair transplant that who is the doctor ? Hair transplant specialist doctor or general doctor ?. Choose the best and well qualified doctors for hair transplant surgery because it can not be repeated. Look the before after results and testimonials on the website of the doctors while choosing right hair transplant surgeon.

Keep the head in elevated position by using several pillows under the neck while sleeping. This decreases swelling and also reduces the chance of developing any damage to the transplanted hair. Some drugs help in reducing the incidence of swelling but these drugs should be taken according to the prescription of a doctor. Some anti-inflammatory drugs also act on swellings other than their action as analgesic.

Read more on trapianto di capelli Turchia. DHI, which stands for DIRECT HAIR IMPLANTATION, is a new technique in hair transplantation through which hair follicles are implanted one by one directly to the rare or bald area of the head that needs to be covered. Each hair follicle is planted in a specific direction, angle, and depth so that the patients will have totally natural outlook and maximum viability and visibility with no scars at all. The implanted hairs continue to grow throughout a patient’s lifetime and never fall out. Compared to the outdated FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) methods, the DHI hair transplant technique has many benefits and superiorities. First and foremost, procedures are done by a DHI certified doctor, not technicians and nurses. Secondly, less donor hairs are needed. This is important because only the surviving hair is worth paying for. Through the operation no scalpels and stitches applied and for this reason there will be virtually no scarring.