Trained BCGA CP7/CP47 inspectors companies UK

Your employer has a ‘duty of care’ to make sure, as far as possible, your health, safety and welfare while you’re at work. They should start with a risk assessment to spot possible health and safety hazards. They have to appoint a ‘competent person’ with health and safety responsibilities usually one of the owners in smaller firms, or a member of staff trained in health and safety.

When engaging an engineer to fit, fix, or service gas appliances, you should ensure that person, and their employer, is on the register. You can consult the register online or contact them via phone on 0800 408 5500. You should also ask any engineer to show you their Gas Safe Register identity card. Check both sides: the front will show a photograph of the engineer, a registration number you can verify online, and an expiry date. The reverse will list the categories of work the engineer is qualified to undertake-for example, on boilers, cookers, and gas fires. It’s important to note that not all engineers will be qualified for all types of gas work.

Statutory Instrument 2000 No. 128: The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 requires equipment to be examined regularly. HSE has advised owners and users of portable oxy-fuel welding and cutting sets that Written Schemes of Examination (Report of Thorough Examination) are not required. However, HSE emphasises that, although gas welding sets are not considered to pose a risk from the release of stored energy, they do pose a risk of fire or explosion if they are not assembled, operated or maintained correctly. See extra details at CP7 Gas Checks.

If there is any doubt in your mind about whether a gas appliance is working properly or not, then you should refrain from using it until it has been properly Every 12 months you should have your gas appliances safety checked by a Gas Safe registered engineer to ensure that they are operating efficiently and safely. What to do if you smell gas: Smelling gas in your home can be alarming and should be dealt with immediately, so it’s important that everyone in your household is aware of the steps that should be taken in the event of a potential gas leak. Taking immediate action can help to avoid a potentially devastating situation.