K Factor ICSE exam app

CBSE exam mobile app? Students are always suggested to solve more and more previous years’ question papers, especially when they are done after the revision of the whole syllabus. Practicing question papers helps you track your preparation level and know where you are lacking or are strong.

Create two instances of yourself, first is your present and the second one is your past. Now play a game between your Present and your Past. Keep only one thing in your mind that you have to defeat your past at any cost. If you can’t do this then forget to score great in the board exams. Keep defeating your previous percentage, your present has to be perfect than your past, in this way, you will surely achieve a good percentage in your board exam. More than anything else, your target should be always to do better than you have ever done before. If you are very close to your board exam, you should know How to prepare for board exam in 1 month.

Prepare a key of your own. Write down all the important formulas, pointers of the chapters, keywords, patterns, dates, etc so that in the end moment you will not be frantically going through different books; rather you can look through your keynotes easily.

K factor is the best application for exam preparations for ICSE, and question answer for CBSE for your child – it encourages an understudy to learn in a logical manner for progress in JEE and other selection tests like ICSE, CBSE, NEE and WBBSE.K Factor is an application for high quality artificial or mock Test, for Joint entrance exams, cbse tests, icse tests. But, can you measure your exact progress ? You have studied all subjects from Physical Science to Mathematics, from Geography to Chemistry to Languages. Maybe you have answered a lot many sample questions for JEE, ICSE or CBSE…. Find even more information on K factor App.

Would you like to conduct assessment from home ? Like to understand the level of preparation of your students for Joint Entrance Exams (JEE), NEET or ICSE or CBSE or even WBBSE during this lockdown period sitting at home. Conducting exam when tuitions are open is not so easy either. K Factor is the best application for test preparation for wbbse and neet too. It gives ai put together questions depending with respect to dok or profundity of information on the understudy naturally. Each test accompanies an appraisal for simple understanding of the degree of studies, candidate quality and shortcomings. This aides in cbse test preparation and JEE tests moreover.

K Factor is an app for Unlimited mock Test focusing on Joint entrance exams, CBSE exams, ICSE exams. Students can make a profile, choose a course, select ICSE paper / CBSE subjects / JEE chapters and then start giving mock tests. K Factor is the preferable app for exam preparation for WBBSE and NEET also. It provides AI based questions depending on DOK or depth of knowledge of the student automatically. Find more details at this website.